Our partners are extremely important and help us serve our community.
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The Community Church collects food for PACH on an ongoing basis and generously gives us monetary donations for food purchases and operating costs. Together We Care–the Women’s Group at the church–has taken an active roll in helping PACH when volunteers are needed for fundraisers and special tasks.
Pepperell Quality Market maintains a collection box for grocery donations to PACH from their customers, and provides PACH with prepared meals for our annual holiday food baskets.
The staff, students, and families at Family Tree Daycare regularly hold food drives and fundraisers for PACH and are always happy to help us fill our pantry needs.
Hannaford Supermarket generously donates excess, high-quality frozen meat, meat products, breads, and pastries to PACH twice weekly for our clients.
The Students of Varnum Brook Elementary, Nissitissit Middle School, and North Middlesex Regional High School organize food drives for PACH once or twice a year, with hundreds of grocery items coming to us from students, staff, and their families. Under the direction of advisor Ray Kane, students from the High School’s two service learning groups regularly serve as volunteers for Holiday Meal Basket assembly and distribution, the 4th of July parade food drive, and on special projects as called for. Without the schools’ and students’ generous donations and support we wouldn’t be able to fill our Holiday Meal Baskets and keep our pantry so well stocked.
The staff at North Middlesex Savings has long helped us with our financial needs by selling paper turkeys to provide funds for our Holiday meals, and also maintains a collection box for their clients to leave donations for PACH.
Along with the Knights of Columbus, the pastor and congregation of Our Lady of Grace’s predecessor–St. Joseph’s Church–were instrumental in getting the original PACH organization started. The parish and many of its members continue to be active in PACH Outreach, and the church holds food drives and fundraisers for us a couple times of year. Students from the church’s youth group regularly help with our annual Paper Turkey Drive and Holiday basket assembly and distribution.
The PBA and many of its member businesses support PACH with monetary and food donations, as well as volunteer help, throughout the year.
Many of the Scout Troops in town regularly collect donations for PACH and serve as volunteers during food drives and our annual holiday food basket assembly and distribution.
The congregation and the Youth Group at Main Street’s Pepperell Christian Fellowship regularly support PACH with food drives and volunteer participation in various pantry and fundraising activities throughout the year.
Trader Joe’s has supplied us for many years with hundreds of paper bags to distribute monthly groceries to our clients, and prior to their move from Tyngsboro, MA, to Nashua, they gave us generous weekly donations of bread, baked goods, and fresh produce.
Wilson Brothers and their employees have been very generous to PACH over the years with their time and money. They hold annual fundraisers—including multi-family yard sales and late summer golf tournaments—to benefit our pantry, and they are generous contributors to the purchase of specialty items such as pies and desserts for our annual holiday baskets.
Egan Construction managed the remodeling of the building and continues to help with ongoing building maintenance.
Kimball Fruit Farm provides vegetables for our Holiday Meals initiative.
Nelson Brothers Landscape Contractors maintains the lawns at PACH during the spring, summer, and fall months and provides snow plowing services during the winter months.
Upswing Farm provides PACH with produce on a weekly-basis.
West Auto Repair is a strong supporter of PACH through fundraisers, food drives and their service as a collection point for food donations in Dunstable. The owners also drop off those donations themselves to the PACH building.
Become a Partner
If you, your business, or your organization would like to join PACH Outreach’s partners in meeting our neighbors’ needs, please contact us to discuss how you can help!